architecture / interiorism / branding

A sector of Berazategui where "The whole is more than the sum of the parts." A dynamic identity made up of a plaza with multiple activities. The program and the public space are unified and emphasize the concept of multifunction, achieving a social interaction where it is presented as a square; dynamic, functional, outdoors, sustainable, permeable, playful. A space where the mixture of products and users intertwine with multi-experience.

Project: Estudio Montevideo

Location: Berazategui Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Year: 2021

Area: 8500 m2


Ramiro Veiga 

Gabriela Jagodnik 

Marco Ferrari 


Design: Rocio Ledesma, Daives Melisa, Juan Ignacio Baralo, Valentin Vodanovic

Colaborators: Macarena Chavez, Estudio DUO
Branding: Paz Mi Amor